
An Interview with Nancy Whiteley

If you read our first York Prison anthology, COULDN’T KEEP IT TO MYSELF, you may remember Nancy Whiteley, one of our contributors. Interviewed here by Kat Bawden, Nancy recounts the heartache of giving up her child and the joy of their eventual reuniting. It’s 17 minutes long, but worth your time.



A Thank You to Harper Lee

Dear Miss Lee–Thank you for teaching me that fiction can be, simultaneously, entertaining and political, and that writing about a specific place can reveal universal truths. When I read your work, I am sent back to my own early years to rediscover the wisdom of the child I was before I came of of age and began to see “through the glass, darkly.” Rest in peace, Nelle Harper. I have been your grateful student. ~Sincerely, Wally Lamb


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New multi-media for I’ll Take You There

Check out our new photo gallery of promo images for Wally’s upcoming novel I’ll Take You There, to be published as a digital, multi-media app by Metabook this year. The gallery also contains photos of Wally behind the scenes at Metabook. Click here for the video promo for I”ll Take You ThereITYT_mocks_v2c

Get a Sneak Peek of Wally’s Upcoming Metabook, I’ll Take You There

Wally is excited to discuss his upcoming Metabook, I’ll Take You There, with the New York Times. Click here for a sneak preview of this multi-media adventure.

Wally to speak at panel at Brooklyn Museum

As part of the Brooklyn Museum’s “Women of York: ‘Shared Dining’ exhibit, Wally will be participating in a panel titled “Touching Humanity: Creativity and Transformation.” Check here and the gigs page for more info!

Autopsies of Ellis Ruley and Douglas Harris reveal possible murder, hypothermia

Readers of my novel WE ARE WATER may remember a character named Josephus Jones. He was a fictional composite of Norwich CT outsider artist Ellis Ruley and Ruley’s son-in-law, Douglas Harris. The deaths of both men were ruled “accidental,” but there has always been suspicion that one or both were murdered. This past Monday, the results of recent autopsies after the exhumation of both bodies concluded that Harris was definitely murdered in 1948 and foul play could neither be confirmed nor ruled out in the case of Ruley’s 1959 death. My thoughts are with the Ruley family.


Click here for the story from the Norwich Bulletin.

Wally, Leslie Uggams, and Bill Goldstein at Harper Lee event

A photo of Wally, Leslie, and Bill from the To Kill a Mockingbird reading at Barnes & Noble in NYC on July 13, 2015.

Harper Lee reading

Wally to return to Norwich’s “Walktober” series!

Wally will be leading a tour through scenes from his childhood in Norwich, CT on October 10 beginning at 1 PM. This tour will begin and end at Norwich Free Academy and pass Wally’s childhood home, downtown Norwich, and Uncas’s Leap (among other locales). Check out this event page for more info. Hope to see you in October!

Wally Walktober 2014

Check out the new Harper Lee documentary airing on PBS on July 10!

In commemoration of the release of Go Set a Watchman, Mary McDonagh Murphy’s 2012 documentary of Harper Lee Harper Lee: Hey, Boo has been updated.

Check it out on PBS on 10 July. Click here to go to the website and see a preview!

Wally reading at a Harper Lee event in NYC!

BN 2015

Wally will be reading from To Kill a Mockingbird at a celebration for Harper Lee’s new release, Go Set a Watchman (which will not be available until the 14th)!

Location: Barnes and Noble, Union Square, NYC